2270+ Figma templates.
Drag & drop, fully editable.
Get 2270+ fully editable emails, landing pages, pop-up forms, infographics, ads, lead magnets and more.
The 5 biggest problem most marketers have:
- Spending thousands of dollars on designers
- Wasting time creating content from scratch
- Poor design and copywriting skills
- Lack of ideas and inspiration
- Low engagement rates & low conversions
That’s why I’ve created these 2270+ editable Figma templates that you can use today to solve all 5 problems.
When you use these templates, you will:
- Save thousands of dollars on designers
- Not have to create content from scratch
- Write and design content like a seasoned pro
- Never run out of content & campaign ideas
- Skyrocket your conversions (without annoying or spamming anyone)
And it doesn’t matter how skilled you are in Figma.
I’m giving you fully editable templates that you can simply drag & drop for your projects.
Here's what my clients say:
Bojan Radojicic / Financial coach
Dominik built my lead magnets, landing pages, welcome flows, post-purchase flows, wrote all my emails and we did 4 promo/launch campaigns. We achieved a 10x ROI from Dominik’s email marketing funnel and campaigns.
Ivan Bildi / CEO at Masterbox
For our New Year’s campaign, we hired Dominik to get the most out of our list of 35k subscribers. We wanted to reduce churn with existing customers, reactivate our ex-users and get new paying customers. Each of the groups had its own sequence of emails with specially customized content. Result? We had a record number of sales via email.
Milica Kankaras / Co Owner at Crux
After using Dominik’s emails we automated our processes, increased our conversions, LTV metrics and we’ve had consistent 5-figure months. Other than that, we never knew how many direct replies we could get from our subscribers. It’s the best method for generating direct customer feedback.
Aleksandar Grasic / Founder and CEO at Outliers
In just 11 days of signing the contract, we got 7,442 sign-ups for the webinar, a 60%+ show up rate for all 3 webinar sessions and over $40,000 with our post-webinar email sequence. We also got consistent sales from flows and newsletters later on.
Martina Raskaj / LinkedIn coach
Dominik built my email marketing funnel so that I could attract and nurture more clients than before. I started building my email list, and with only 339 subscribers I already got 26 booked meetings for my high-ticket mentorship program.
Danijel Krajinovic / Weight loss coach
Dominik structured and implemented his email marketing funnel into my business and I got 47 new clients after 7 months of working with him!
Sanja Rasic / Virtual Assistant
Dominik’s newsletter is the best newsletter that I have ever received.
Mislav Blazevic / Head of Marketing at Salesiana
As an eCommerce brand selling books, it took a lot of work to constantly generate new traffic to our website and try to convert them. Dominik helped us with email marketing strategy, especially with copy and automation. Today we have an effective email marketing system and we’ve increased our customer life-time value.
Bojana Perović / Career Mentor
I've been following Dominik’s emails since I downloaded his case study, and I have to say, I really admire his style and approach. His video breakdown on funnels was incredibly helpful — I watched it all the way through (which I rarely do) and took notes on every word! And since I’m currently in a rebranding phase, his strategies were exactly what I was looking for! So, full credit to him for nailing the essence, tone, and pinpointing the pain points of the target group. Every detail was incredibly well thought out! His emails always brighten my day!
Mirko Zoric / Founder and CEO at Valentis
I opted in to Dominik’s email list 4-5 day ago and I’ve received about 4-5 emails from him. I have to admit, I used to be highly skeptical about three things: 1. The effectiveness of frequent email sends (1-2 emails every day) 2. The sincerity of posts that supposedly praise something without any personal interest 3. How useful online marketing advice can really be I can honestly say that his emails changed my mind quite a bit about these. What exactly are his techniques? I believe it’s best if you experience it yourself. You’re not forced to buy anything from him unless you want to. Check out his website and opt in to his list. I’ve never seen anything like that 🙂
Filip Zolota / CEO at MAOIO Agency
Dominik is a true professional. I saw his work, collaborated on joint projects, and witnessed the results he achieved. In fact, I have always gladly recommended him to my partners and clients and will continue to do so.
Sanel Karadzic / Founder & Investor
Dominik’s emails are crushing it. He had me hooked right from the start, especially when he laid out the rules for his email challenge and threatened to remove me from the email list — I was like, 'No way!' That Balkan stubbornness kicked in immediately. Throughout the emails, Dominik sparked ideas for other types of businesses that I understand pretty well. The whole tone was friendly and straightforward, with a clear 'yes or no' vibe with no in-between. Kudos to him.
Izidora Kovac - Professional coach for women
Dominik inspired me to promote my free ebook to achieve that impressive five-figure number of subscribers in my newsletter community.
Kristijan Vilibic / Owner of Mastery of Digital
Dominik helped me tremendously with my personal website. I had the pleasure of working with him on several campaigns, and I can confidently say that his expertise in email automation, segmentation, and deliverability has resulted in impressive open rates and conversions.
Kristina Katavic / Virtual Assistant
Even though I'm not currently Dominik’s target audience, his emails have been incredibly helpful to me. The main reason I downloaded his lead magnet was to educate myself on a topic that currently interests me and will likely be part of my future business, either for my own venture or as part of a service for another business. I really appreciate the practical tips, materials and resources he gave me for free. I personally feel overwhelmed with a million available resources online, so it means a lot when someone gathers everything in one place. I was even convinced that I wouldn't respond to any of his emails because newsletters typically feel unnatural to me, but miracles do happen! Or maybe he’s just an expert in what he does 🙂
I've personally tested these templates for:
- SaaS
- Agencies
- Info Products
- Expert Services
- Physical Products
- Ecommerce Stores
- Coaching and Consulting
And they’ve made multiple 7-figures for my clients, regardless of the industry.
Let's start with 176 fully editable, plain-text email templates that you'll get:
8 templates
Welcome emails
The first email that someone receives after they download your lead magnet and land on your email list. This is a break it or make it email since it determines the first impression.
7 templates
follow up emails
An email that you use to get tons of replies which leads up to more people showing interest in your offer. This email can be automatically sent 2-3 hours after the welcome email.
5 templates
What - why - how emails
Special emails that you can send on the first day of their sign-up (when their attention is extra high).
10 templates
Pain point emails
Email in which you show that you deeply understand their problem and you know how to solve it.
8 templates
Story emails
Email in which you tell your origin story to build the know-like-trust factor cause it’s relatable to their current pain (people buy right away from these).
7 templates
Value emails
A pure value email in which you’re sharing your how-to packed with tips and concrete advice.
8 templates
A pure value email in which you’re sharing your how-to packed with tips and concrete advice (but go extra deep in value).
27 templates
Sale / promo emails
Email in which you promote your offer in such a way that people can’t resist saying no.
13 templates
Wisdom story emails
Email in which you’re telling a story about a situation from the past and what you’ve learned from it (nothing grabs attention like these).
15 templates
reply emails
Email in which you’re asking for a reply to boost conversations and get some feedback.
3 templates
Contrary emails
Unique sales angle in which you present a different contrarian approach to something (huge sale booster).
7 templates
Case study emails
Email about your client’s successes – done through storytelling – so that they see themselves in it.
11 templates
Ascend emails
Email that strongly motivates someone to buy your low-ticket product or join your workshop / webinar.
5 templates
Curiosity emails
Email that builds tons of curiosity so that people can’t wait to hear about your offer.
7 templates
Soft sell emails
Email that generates tons of sales (without selling).
7 templates
Bribe emails
Email that incentivizes people to do an action you want them to do.
3 templates
FAQ emails
Perfect email for removing objections and selling just by answering their questions (done in a unique way).
3 templates
Breaking myths emails
An email that positions you as an expert by debunking myths in your industry.
4 templates
Feedback emails
Precisely defined email that sells in a clever way by asking for feedback (almost nobody is using these and they are still getting high conversions).
7 templates
New content emails
Email that redistributes your new video training, blog post or podcast episode.
1 template
Secret emails
Email that reveals a secret that nobody’s talking about and makes your readers glued to the screen.
1 template
Personal opinion emails
Email that shows your personality. Readers absolutely love these and they’re often a crucial factor for sales.
2 templates
Special invite emails
Email that feels like a private invitation people can’t resist accepting (this drives lots of sales).
3 templates
Hype & TEASE emails
Email that gives a sneak peek and builds a list of people ready to buy before you even launch a new offer.
1 template
“How I do” emails
Email that converts way better than a “how to” email.
1 template
Mistake emails
Email that shows your weakness turned into strength. People engage heavily in these and buy later on.
1 template
Book a call emails
A straightforward email that will get you tons of booked calls and consultations.
It’s basically like having a pre-written content calendar for the next 12 months and never having to worry about emails again.
You will go from “What the heck do I even send” – to “Damn, I can’t handle this many replies and sales”.
Isn’t that a sweet problem to have? 🙂
Reality check: Having great email copy is just one part of the funnel.
Your overall results will depend on your:
- Social media
- Deliverability
- Subject lines
- Email design
- Email list size
- Segmentation
- Lead magnets
- Pop-up forms
- Landing pages
- Paid advertising
- Automated flows
That’s simply how this online marketing thing works.
But don’t worry, these 176 email templates are only 10% of this toolkit.
I’ve included 2100+ other templates, swipe files and checklists you can use.
Here's everything else you'll get:
- 1184 designed email templates in Figma:
- 59 welcome emails
- 73 post purchase emails
- 116 abandon cart emails
- 48 product launch emails
- 89 promo / sales emails
- 46 educational emails
- 103 Valentine's day emails
- 137 Black Friday emails
- 73 supplement emails
- 18 giveaway emails
- 8 survey emails
- 10 quiz emails
- 5 early access emails
- 7 blog post emails
- 61 product spotlight emails
- 44 social proof emails
- 26 back in stock emails
- 21 tips & tricks emails
- 42 product recommendation emails
- 26 fashion & jewellery emails
- 43 food & beverage emails
- 29 baby product emails
- 14 home & cookware emails
- 16 problem & solution emails
- 19 weekly campaign emails
- 12 letter from the founder emails
- 13 makeup & skincare emails
- 7 expert feature emails
- 10 before & after emails
- 13 FAQ emails
- 75 landing page templates (info products)
- 82 landing page templates (physical products)
- 115 pop-up window templates
- 43 socia media infographic templates
- 221 paid ad templates
- 63 unique lead magnet ideas
- 39 ways to get to 10k+ email subscribers
- 86 subject lines with >50% open rates
- 24-step email deliverability checklist
- 46 original campaign / newsletter ideas
- 13 email marketing flow templates
- 99 viral LinkedIn posts
Basically, you’ll get everything you need to create scroll-stopping content faster than ever before.
And you’ll increase the conversion rates for your projects in 2025.
Why does it cost $67?
Look, I’m not one of those guys saying:
“If you pay today, it’s not $997, it’s not even $497, it’s not even $197”…
Nor will I just make up a number (usually $997) and put a big flat 90% discount just to make it seem like a great deal.
Nor will I say that this opportunity won’t last forever.
I’m personally disgusted with these pricing tricks and fake urgencies.
This toolkit costs $67 and you can buy it any time you want.
That’s it.
If you like this approach, you’ll like the next part even more:
Here’s what I’m NOT offering you:
- Video course (that you will never finish, cause you don't have the time)
- Community full of notifications and Zoom calls that steal your time
- Generic templates that you can get for free from ChatGPT
What I’m actually offering you is a faster, more efficient way to create content and increase your conversions in 2025.
So, what you’re getting instead is:
- Hundreds of hours of saved time and separation from constant content creation
- Proven Figma templates that you can use to increase your conversion rates in 2025
- A way of getting consistent sales without hiring an expensive copywriter or designer
It took me 7+ years to collect all of this into 1 Figma file and you literally can’t find a bigger template file on the Internet.
Use it to create high-converting emails, ads, landing pages and infographics in record time.
This is possible when you click the button below and place your order now:
Don’t just take
my words for it:
Ana Bagaric / Content Marketing Strategist
I sold 20+ $1,000 programs in one month and booked 15 calls for an $8,000 offer with Dominik’s emails.
Maja Puskaric / Personal Branding Consultant
Dominik revolutionized my email marketing funnel. In just 30 days, he crafted a powerful funnel that catapulted my subscriber count to an astonishing 1,243! But the impact didn’t stop there – I now consistently receive 2-3 high-quality leads every single day and my LinkedIn Academy has experienced a 50% increase in client onboarding.
Marko Zigman / Weight Loss Coach
Dominik built me the whole funnel – landing page, lead magnet, emails and automated flows. I got 250 inbound leads in 2 months without spending a penny on advertising. Never knew that email is such a powerful communication channel for audience monetization.
Slavisa Micevic / Sales coach
Dominik wrote and segmented all of my emails for my webinar. I got 14 booked sales calls out of 70 people on my email list, which is a stunning conversion rate of 14%. Hit emails are like a plug-and-play system you include into your business and watch your calendar get filled with clients!
Josip Toljan / Running coach
I had 0 email subscribers before Dominik built my email marketing funnel for my coaching program for runners. Now, I have 287 subscribers with $0 spent on ads. And I’ve got 8 paid clients + an additional 10 people booking calls with me and showing direct interest in my program.
Gabrijela Orsag Pisacic / CEO at LUMENCODE
I'm generally very skeptical when it comes to sales and folks who promise to show you their "secret" methods, but Dominik’s got something concrete over here.
Sejla Mujezin / B2B Marketing Specialist @ Imtec
Dominik’s amazing emails really opened up my eyes, and I've found answers to questions I didn't know I had, especially when it comes to email marketing.
Strahinja Tiranic / Cold email outreach expert
Working with Dominik was quite a dynamic ride. The dude got me more meetings with potential clients than anyone else in this short period of time.
Igor Milenkovic / Sales coach & mentor
Dominik is a true master of the craft. I realized that when my clients brought him up in the middle of my seminar (no joke) and talked about how impressive he was. I can definitely say Dominik has something to be proud of, based on what I KNOW he’s done for them.
Vedran Glogovic / Career Mentor
Dominik solved all my marketing problems with just 1 consulting call
Darko Mares / CEO at Infinus
About a year ago, I started my newsletter. Then Dominik made a detailed audit of my email marketing processes, with concrete suggestions for improvement. After following his advice, my number of subscribers doubled in just a few weeks!
Marina Damnjanovic / General Manager & Partner at IceFyre Solutions
We followed Dominik’s advice and revamped our lead magnet and thank-you pages. Added a 9-email automated sequence with tons of useful content, and we kicked off our campaign last night. For the next lead magnet, we're planning a coding challenge!
Lucia Juric / Career Consultant
Dominik has given me SO MUCH value in his emails that I have no doubt we'll be collaborating.
Nick Broekema / Content Designer
I've personally seen the work Dominik has done for other creators and he truly knows his stuff. He consulted me about my email marketing and the advice was brilliant. It opened new monetization opportunities for my business.
By now you’ve seen the proof that these templates work.
And you’re left with only 2 options:
Option 1: You can either ignore all of this and simply go on about your day, thinking that it “must work for other people but not for me”…
- And continue creating content from scratch...
- And continue guessing what may or may not increase your conversions rates...
- And continue spending thousands of dollars on expensive designers and copywriters...
Or, there’s option 2: You can swipe & tweak my 2270+ templates…
And avoid all of these problems in 2025, starting today.
Not next year.
Not next month.
Literally today.
“Alright, I’m In - What Now?”
- 1. Buy these 2270+ editable Figma templates
- 2. Drag and drop them for your projects
- 3. Increase your conversions rates in 2025 (without creating content from scratch)
Still having doubts?
Here are the answers:
Marketers, designers, copywriters, marketing managers, online experts, founders, solopreneurs, freelancers and self-employed people.
That’s why all of these templates are fully editable, so you can just swipe & tweak them for your projects.
I will be updating this file every single month.
I will add new stuff that performed well for me and my clients, as well as remove those that had a significant conversion decrease.
You will always have the best and most accurate templates by your side.
No worries, this toolkit is specifically made for those who don’t have enough time to consume ebooks, tutorials or courses.
The templates inside are fully editable, so that you can just use and test them in practice.
There’s no theory inside the toolkit whatsoever.
Who am I and why should you trust me?
Hey, I’m Dominik.
I’ve helped 50+ business owners grow their revenue with email marketing and educated hundreds of people who wanted to learn the skill.
After sending millions of emails, I developed my own unique strategies based on deep psychological insights and proven sales tactics that I still use and improve upon today.
And I can help you implement the same strategies so you can run a more profitable & peaceful business too.
“I didn’t read the whole page, just tell me what I need to know”
No worries, here’s the “cut-to-the-chase” version:
I’m inviting you to get my 2270+ editable Figma templates that you can use to save time on endless content creation and increase your conversions in 2025.
(Doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, or you don’t think you’re a “designer”, or you don’t have enough time for copywriting…).
I’m literally giving you the exact templates that I used to earn multiple 7-figures for my clients.
Here’s everything that you’ll get:
- 176 plain text email templates
- 1184 designed email templates in Figma:
- 59 welcome emails
- 73 post purchase emails
- 116 abandon cart emails
- 48 product launch emails
- 89 promo / sales emails
- 46 educational emails
- 103 Valentine's day emails
- 137 Black Friday emails
- 73 supplement emails
- 18 giveaway emails
- 8 survey emails
- 10 quiz emails
- 5 early access emails
- 7 blog post emails
- 61 product spotlight emails
- 44 social proof emails
- 26 back in stock emails
- 21 tips & tricks emails
- 42 product recommendation emails
- 26 fashion & jewellery emails
- 43 food & beverage emails
- 29 baby product emails
- 14 home & cookware emails
- 16 problem & solution emails
- 19 weekly campaign emails
- 12 letter from the founder emails
- 13 makeup & skincare emails
- 7 expert feature emails
- 10 before & after emails